What Our Clients Say

We pay attention to details and quality, good communication and strong customer relationship. Here is what they say about us.


Zenab KhatoonHajj 2019

Asalaamualaykum, I just want to sincerely ask for forgiveness to anyone I may have upset during this journey. SubhanAllah it has been a fascinating journey and I make dua Allah accepts our hajj and we are all united in jannah ameen. I love you all for the sake of Allah and I am so pelased we had such a nice group. Shukran to Abu Ibrahim Umm Ibrahim and Ibrahim himself and all the leaders and imams of our group. Allah reward you with barakah and nothing less than the bounties of jannah tul firdous ameen JazakaAllah khayr everyone

Dr Walid MagdyHajj 2019

I would like to send my final message on this group by thanking everyone and special thanks to Dr Mohamed and the team for making our Hajj as smooth as possible. May Allah accept your efforts and reward you the best. May Allah make it an accepted hajj for all of us and grant us Janna isA.

عبدالناصر العائبHajj 2019

آمين يا رب العالمين… عُدنا الي ديارنا وفي قلوبنا شكراً و حمداً وأيماناً لخالقنا… ومحبةً لرسولنا الكريم صلي الله عليه وسلم…هنياً لنفوسنا التي أستمتعت بيوم  وقوف عرفة … و زيارة رسول المحبة محمد شفيعنا يوم الوقوف أمام رب العالمين… ربي بارك لنا في أحبابنا ولا تحرمهم مما أستمتعنا به… أمين… صباح الخير من جلاسكو… ولكن هنا أقف لاقول كلمة صدق في صديقنا د. محمد بن عثمان علي ما قدمه لنا من خدمات في سبيل راحتنا وتوافق بين المجموعة…فكنتُ أراقبه بدقة فائقة… فوجدت فيه طيبة القلب والصدق في وعوده… والصبر… ومستمع جيد لآرائنا … وتفاهم لظروف المجموعة… والاحترام …عاش بيننا لحظة بلحظة… ومراقبة خداماته بنفسه… دقة في النظام…وقد عمل علي توافق المجموعة… وزرع المحبة والاحترام بيننا… مما جعلنا نفتخر بالعلاقة الطيبة التي جمعتنا يوم عرفة كاوحدة واحدة أمام رب واحد لاشريك له…هنيئاً لنا جميعاً بهذا الحج المبرور… راجياً الله أن يجمعناً حول حوض رسولنا الكريم محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم في جنة الخلد… أمين… أما عني أنا وزوجتي… سامحونا أذا أخطائنا بقصد وغير قصد بأي شخص منكم… ولكن نحن نحمل لكم كل مشاعر الاحترام والمحبة… والله يعلم ما في نفوسنا… بارك الله في جمعنا… وحج مبرور وذنبا مغفور أنشالله تعالي…

Abdikarim D HassanHajj 2019

This was once in a lifetime priceless opportunity and experience, which we pray for Allah to reward us with his JANATUL FARDOWS. Hajj is a gift Allah (swt) gave us to take time of our hectic lives, pause for a short time and evaluate our relationship with Allah, his religion, his creation and also with our own conscious. I hope that all of us have achieved that self-evaluating goal. I hope that everyone has found his/her strength and weaknesses in regard to his connection with Allah ( swt) and I ask Allah to give us the strength of Iimaan to continue protecting the fruits of the Hajj. We ask Allaah to support us transform ourselves to become better Muslims. For me and my wife, it was an amazing journey to come to the Hajj with this group. And I am sending my sincere thanks to Dr Mohamed and his dedicated team; the brothers who gave all their best to make this journey as easy as possible for us. I also implore with everyone to forgive and forget any shortcoming, any mistake, or any annoyance befallen on them during our period together. For the Brotherly bonds that evolved during this Journey, I hope that they blossom and grow stronger. Salaam clykum and always make Dua for each other.

Mamadou BarryHajj 2019

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته … الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات،وأسأله أن يجعل حجنا حجا مبروراوسعينا وسعيا مشكورا وذنبناذنبا مغفورا و عملناعملا متقبلا وان يرزقنا الرجوع الى هذه الأماكن المقدسة مرارا وتكرارا. A special thanks to AlKhalil group leader and his team who made everything to make it easy for us. وجزاكم الله خيرا

Dr. Abdunaser El AyebHajj 2019

Amen, O Lord of the Worlds … We returned to our homes and in our hearts, thanks and praise and faith to our Creator … and love for our Holy Prophet peace be upon him … Worlds … Lord bless us in our loved ones and do not deprive them of what we enjoyed … Amin … Good morning from Glasgow But here I stand to say the word sincerity in our friend Dr. Mohammed bin Othman Ali for his services to us for our convenience and compatibility between the group … I was watching him very accurately … I found a good heart and honesty in his promises … and patience … and a good listener of our views … and understanding of the conditions of the group .. . And respect … lived between us moment by moment … and control his services himself … Accuracy in the system … He worked on the consensus of the group … And sow love and respect between us … Which made us proud of the good relationship that brought us on the day of Arafah as one unit in front One Lord to partner him … Congratulations to all of us for this justified pilgrimage … May God wish us to unite around the basin of our Holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in the Garden of Mole … Secretary … As for me and my wife … Forgive us if our mistakes intentionally And unintentionally anyone of you … but we hold you all feelings of respect and love … God knows what’s in us … God bless us all … Hajj justified and guilt forgiven God Almighty …

Sally MohsinHajj 2019

Jazakum Allahu khaira… May Allah bless you all. It’s been a wonderful experiment. كفيتم ووفيتم … بارك الله فيكم وتقبل منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال.

Tariq AldulimiHajj 2019

بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله. اسأل الله لنا ولكم جميعاً حجاً مبروراً وسعياً مشكوراً وذنباً مغفوراً وأن ترجعوا الى أهلكم سالمين غانمين مقبولين وأن يمن عليكم بوافر الصحة والعافية. ودعائي الى مرشدي الحملة والاخ الدكتور محمد بن عثمان أن يمن الله عليهم بالسداد والنجاح والقبول ويكرمهم ويجزيهم خير الجزاء وأن يوفقهم في عملهم لخدمة المسلمين. ولجميع الحجاج لكم مني السماح عن كل مابدر من أحداً بحقنا وأرجو أن تسامحونا إن أخطئنا بحقكم والله ولي التوفيق والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.

Zakariya AwaysHajj 2019

Guys it was a pleasure meeting you all and blessed to have done hajj at a young age. May Allah accept from all of us? I wish you all the best in this life and in the next. Truly a great experience for me.

Mohammed NaseemHajj 2019

Aslammu alyekum respected brothers and sister me and my  wife have truly enjoyed this wounderfull jounrney and would thanks mohammed and his staff for making it wounderfull for us please forgive each other and please u have a title to keep so dont let go of it please when u pray remember each other in ur prays may ALLAH SWT make are short coming easy for all of usxxx am from bradford so if any group member in bd at any timd please come and pay us a visit kind regards.

Mustafa AbassHajj 2019

London group arrived safely alhamdulillah. Jazakallah Mohammed ben Othman and everyone one else who made this hajj journey enjoyable and inshallah all of you had a hajj mabroor and return home safely, start a new beautiful life with baraka from Allah swt to your life, health, wealth and family.

Muhammad DawoodHajj 2019

Special thanks to Dr Muhammad and Alkhalil group who made this blessed journey easy for us. And what Dr Muhammad promised before hajj its become true. الحمد لله بنعمة الله الاسلام

Saida MusaHajj 2019

Assalamualaykum wa Rahamatullahi wa Barakatuh. AlHamdulillahi Rabbeel Alameen Aala Neemati Rabbee Tatimu Saliaat. AlHamdulillahi Rabbeel Alameen, I have reached home safely. Jazakha Allahu Khairan to Umm Ibrahim, Abu Ibrahim and Ibrahim for all their help and support and also thanks to all Alkhalil leaders and I pray to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, to reward you all in your Jaza of Duniyah wal Akherah, Allahuma Aameen Ya Rabbal Alameen. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, accept all our Hajj, Ibadah and Dhuas, Allahuma Aameen Ya Rabbal Alameen. Fiamanillah

Sofiane HaddadiHajj 2019

السلام عليكم … حج مبرور و ذنب مغفور وسعي مشكور … تقبل الله منا و منكم إن شاء الله. Thank you, Dr Mohamed ben Othman, and special thanks to all alkhalil team for making the hajj easy for us. Jazakoum Allah khier.

Faisal HassanHajj 2019

He who does not thank people does not thank Allah. Praise be to Allah, and Many Thanks to our brother Mohamed Benotman, his family and his team for all their efforts, we truly appreciate and are grateful and may Allah reward them for helping us complete our Hajj. Jazakum Allah Khayr.

Ibrahima Sory DialloHajj 2019

AssalamuAlaikum I would like to use this opportunity to thank all the brothers and sister for this amazing experience and helping me my wife and my sister complete one of the pillars of Islam. May Allah SWT accept it from all of us and reward all the brother and sisters that organised this opportunity. Jazakallah Khair.

Dr Sara ZubiaHajj 2019

Thank you, Dr Mohamed, Um Ibrahim and Ibrahim, for all your efforts throughout our Hajj. We had a wonderful experience alhamdu lil Illah. We genuinely felt we were travelling with our family. All the services felt personal and all our needs were attended to very promptly. We could not ask for more. We ask Allah to reward you and accept from all of us.


Abubaker FortiahHajj 2018

To all members of the group as we are coming toward the end of our spiritual visit to the holy land hoping Allah accepted us all and back home safe with no sins thank you all for being good companies in life trip to perform one of Islam pillars… I thank Allah who made it for me and my wife. I thank Alkhalil team for excellent services from their part … have a safe flight back home.

Khalid NagiHajj 2018

Barak Allah Feek Hajji Mohamed wa Jazak Allah Khayran. May Allah accept all our deeds and make it Hajj Mabrour for all of us. Thanks for all your valuable efforts and ask Allah the almighty to reward you the best rewards… Salam to all brothers and hope to see Aberdeen Hajjis in Aberdeen mosque next week insha Allah.

Ziad Al-KhaddarHajj 2018

Alsalamalaikum all brothers, Just taking this opportunity to show my appreciation and gratitude to brother Dr Mohammed, brother Saleh, brother Hisham, brother Kahlifa , Brother Ibrahim and all other team members and volunteers. I will inshaa Allah highly recommend Alkhalil to all my family members, friends and colleagues who want to perform Hajj or Umrah in the future. Thanks again for your patience with us and for trying your best to overcome all obstacles and make our hajj as comfortable and pleasant. Jazak Allah Khairan and as I’m sitting in the Roudha I will inshaa Allah make special douaa to all Alkhalil members.

Mohamed Gibril SalehHajj 2018

Alhamdillah it has been a successful journey thanks to haji Mohamed, his wife Haja um Ibrahim and all the people who helped and volunteered to make it such a memorable journey and I pray to Allah swt that we keep in touch as a group for future would be nice if we can book a place to get together when we arrive safely home inshallah” “Alhamdillah it has been a successful journey thanks to haji Mohamed his wife Haja um Ibrahim and all the people who helped and volunteered to make it such a memorable journey and I pray from Allah swt that we keep in touch as a group for future would be nice if we can book a place to get together when we arrive safely home insha AllahI agree with hajjah Hala we should I have gathering once we have good recovery round Christmas time. Thank you all.

Gasim Ayad GiumaHajj 2018

Allhamdulilah… We have arrived to Edinburgh. We are very satisfied and happy indeed that we did our Manasek according to the Sunna… Many thanks to you Dr Mohamed and your family… Well done … May Allah to accept from all of us.

Salah AlgaudHajj 2018

Asalam Alaikom brothers and sisters… Alhamd lil Allha that everyone got home save and sound and may Allha accept from all of you and reward you the highest state of paradise. Also I would like to take this opportunity to thank God first, and then brother Mohamed and his family for the chance to be with such amazing people, to whom I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support and the kind words that extend to me during our spiritual journey together.  I truly feel that I gained 100 brothers, 53 sisters and insha Allha much more. I aslo would like to remind myself, and all of you that our spiritual journey it does not ENDS untill all of us, and our family in the paradise, and that last 18 days was the fule to get us there insha Allha, we have to look on, at our life from now on as an opportunity to higher our state in Jannah, also we have to understand that we are the ambassadors of our faith whether we know it or not, so our behaviour have to be according to the Muslim religion, so non-muslim see what’s the a true Muslim religion is about. Finaly I pray to Allha and ask as he Almighty alone gathered us in the most loving place to him (Makkah) also in the city of his prophet peace be upon him will gather us again among his prophets in the highest state of paradise Ameen.

Naser AlserwiHajj 2018

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم … من لا يشكر الناس لايشكر الله. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Mohamed, his family and his team for the hard work, help and continuous support throughout Haj days. And also like to thank our lovely Haj group for their patience, tolerance and understanding. I met lots of nice people in this group and some of them become like real bothers and friends. May Allah SWT accept your Haj and all good deeds, and insha Allah will meet again in Donia and in Alakhera in the highest paradise.Ameen بارك الله فيكم جميعا وسدد خطاكم

Shahzada HaroonHajj 2018

Assalam u Alikum wr wb… Jazak Allaho khairan kaseerah to Dr Mohamed, all his team, volunteers and all other fellows in our team… It was a pleasure being part of this group. May Allah accept our Hajj and give Jaza to everyone. Special thanks to Dr Mohamed for his care and dedication. I hope to be part of his team in future as well. Assalam u Alikum..

Ayman Antar AlhelbawyHajj 2018

Alsalam Alikom… Thanks for everyone who make it easy for us and help us to make our Hajj this year. Special thanks to Hajj Saleh, Dr Mohamed Benotman, eng. Ibrahim, and Hajj Khalifa. Could all of you send there contact numbers in UK? It will be great to keep in touch in shaa Allah. Gazakom allah Khira.

Abdul Aziz KhanHajj 2018

Assalamoalikum WRWB … I would like to thank habibi Dr Mohamed and his team for helping us for this Hajj beyond the business. I appreciate the great effort of AlKhalil team to make our Hajj as convenient as possible. Allah bless him and his team especially: Brother Saleh … Brother Khalifa … Brother Shaikh Ibrahim … His son Ibrahim … And all other volunteers. May Allah SWT reward them for their services. Jazakallah o khairan.

خديجة ام عمارHajj 2018

“الحمدالله علي سلامة الجميع وتقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الاعمال وكل عام والجميع بألف خير وجعله الله حج مبرور وسعي مشكور وذنب مغفور وتجارة مع الله لن تبور وأتقدم بالشكر الكثير الكثير للأخ الدكتور محمد وزوجتة وأبنهم ابراهيم علي ما قدموه لنا من مساعدة ومساندة ودعم للجميع وبشكل عام فجزاهم الله الف خير ومن لا يشكر الناس لا يشكر الله” “الحمدالله علي سلامة الجميع وتقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الاعمال وكل عام والجميع بألف خير وجعله الله حج مبرور وسعي مشكور وذنب مغفور وتجارة مع الله لن تبور وأتقدم بالشكر الكثير الكثير للأخ الدكتور محمد وزوجتة وأبنهم ابراهيم علي ما قدموه لنا من مساعدة ومساندة ودعم للجميع وبشكل عام فجزاهم الله الف خير ومن لا يشكر الناس لا يشكر الله”

إيمان السيدHajj 2018

“حمدا لله علي سلامتكم د محمد و أختنا ام ابراهيم بارك الله فيكم علي المجهودات الرائعة و جزاكم الله عنا خيرا و تقبل منا و منكم و جعل سعيكم مشكورا و ذنبكم مغفورا و حجكم مبرورا و بارك لكم في ابراهيم وفي اخوته و جعلهم جميعا قرة عين لكم . نعم الابن ما شاء الله الله يرزقه الزوجة الصالحة ان شاء الله”

سيدة صالح أم عمادHajj 2018

“الحمد لله على سلامة الجميع وتقبل الله منا ومنكم وجزاكم الله خيرا عنا جميعا ونرجو من الله العلي القدير ان يجمعنا واياكم في الفرردوس الاعلى يارب امين  … الحمد لله كانت مجموعة في غاية الروعة والتضامن والتعاون وكانت خطة ناجحة من طرف الدكتور وجميع من كان يساعده وقد اعجبنا لحظات رمي الجمرات سبحان الله كانت دراسة محكمة للدخول في الزحام ورمي الجمرات بكل سهولة ونرجوا من الله ان يتقبل منا وان يتجاوز عنا ان اخطأنا ونسينا …… حج مبرو وسعي مشكور وذنب مغفور لجميع الحجاج … وجزاكم الله خيرا للجميع والدكتور واسرته “

Dina Fouad GadoHajj 2018

Salaam, I like to say thank u for all of u and for what u did for us insha Allah our hajj is accepted and so happy to meet so many nice sister’s…  Alhamdulillah from zarah.

Roshan AhmedHajj 2018

Assalamalaikum… One could never really explain a Hajj experience unless they have taken the journey themselves and had the beautiful experience… yes, AlKhalil group is amazing… and on our way home our taxi driver took AlKhalil contact details for his Hajj insha Allah.

Balgeis AbudagagaHajj 2018

Alsalm Alecom … We just arrived to our home in Dundee , thanks for everyone make everything is easy , may Allah accept our Hajj inshallah, thanks Mr Mohamed and his wife.

Belhora JilaliHajj 2018

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته حمدا لله على سلامة جميع الإخوان الحجاج وأشكر جزيل الشكر الدكتور محمد وأسرته وجميع من ساعدنا بأداء مناسكنا في أحسن الظروف. ونتمنى الذهاب مرة أخرى مع الخليل إن تيسر الأمر إن شاء الله

Ahmed Nasser DababHajj 2018

Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu… Alhamdulillah we arrived home safe and sound to Liverpool yesterday…Dr Mohamed, son Ibrahim and Um Ibrahim, jazakum Allahu Khayran for the services you provided for us during Hajj. You went above and beyond during our time there. We understand that some of the problems that arose were beyond your control and we thank you for trying your best to resolve any issues we had. It was an honour to meet such nice people in our Hajj group and we made such good friends alhamdulillah. Please forgive us for any of our shortcomings.

Zabi BurdabarHajj 2018

Salaam Walaikum dear Dr Mohamed… Thanks very much for providing and delivering such an excellent service. May Allah ST reward you for what you have done for the Group. JZK. ZABI.

Abdellah ElouissiHajj 2018

All I want to say thank you very much brother Dr Mohamed and brother Khalifa, brother Saleh and the rest of the teams for all the help and hard effort you have done for  us and جزاكم الله خيرا brother Abdullah from Aberdeen…

Rahma UwizeyeHajj 2018

Asalam Alelykum WW… Alhamdillah it has been a successful journey thanks to haji Dr Mohamed, his family and all the people who helped and volunteered to make it such a memorable journey. Alhamdulillah..

Mohamed Ali RazaHajj 2018

Assalamualik to all respected brothers may Allah swt accept our hajj, duas etc. And may Allah swt forgive all of us for any type of negligence. I would like to say jazak Allah khair to Dear brother Dr Mohamed and his beautiful team members, very caring very helpful and supportive. May Allah swt keep them save and give them reward in this world and hereafter, Ameen. Please forgive me if I have hurt or offended anyone of you. Once again love and respect for all of you from the bottom of my heart. May Allah swt guide all of us. Ameen.

Rafid Alkhaddar and Family.Hajj 2018

I reiterate all the brother’s sentiments with regards to planning, organisation and execution of all duties to make our holy journey as comfortable and rewarding as possible. JAK brother Mohamed you and the whole team from members of the Khalil group or volunteers.  It has been an amazing haj journey and we all have gained new brothers and sisters and may Allah (swt) accept all our deeds.

Saleh Fadhle AbdulrubHajj 2018

Big thank to Dr Mohamed and the team and may Allah reward them greatly insha Allah and give Tawfiq to keep it up and improve year after year.

Mohamed Atef OshallahHajj 2018

Al salam alaikom w rahmato Allah w barakatoh… We are finally home in Southampton after a really long journey through Cairo (to pick up my son), Casablanca and finally London Heathrow.  First of all, I would like to thank Dr Mohamed Benotman and his team for looking after us. His efforts started 4 months ago and he went through rough nights sorting out my trip. Group leaders did a wonderful job from my point of view taking into consideration all the circumstances everyone faces during busy Hajj times. I have to say that Hajj Saleh was there for me from day 1 when I entered Makkah. Thanking everyone by name is not enough. I will certainly remember them in my douaa may Allah accept us all. I would like to thank every brother and sister in the group and ask for their forgiveness in case we have done anything to offend anyone as no one is perfect. I pray to Allah to accept our Hajj and wipe out our sins. May Allah accept all our good deeds and forgive our bad ones. I pray we all make it to Hajj year after year to enjoy this spiritual journey and strengthen our faith. I pray everyone makes it home to their families safe and sound and share with them what they have learnt in their journey and look forward for them to share the same journey again and again.

Nazrian BibiHajj 2018

Thank you, Dr Mohamed, son Ibrahim and um Ibrahim for a wonderful journey and for making everything possible. This was a once in a lifetime experience and I’m so grateful to have been part of it. Once again thank you for your help and support throughout it all.

Ibrahim BenotmanHajj 2018

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله…I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for choosing Alkhalil. It was nice meeting you and I couldn’t ask for a better group than you guys. It was an honour to serve you and inshaAllah we lived up to your expectations. May Allah reward you abundantly in ways you cannot imagine. InshaAllah we all meet in Jannah with our beloved brothers and sisters.

Javed IqbalHajj 2018

I would like to say jazak Allah to all AlKhalil group for doing a very good job specially Haji Salah, Dr. Mohamed, his son Ibrahim, khalifa. Only Allah can give them reward for serving his guests.

Landing SannehHajj 2018

Many thanks to Allah for enabling and guiding us through the life experience journey to the Holy Land. May all our sins be wiped off and may Allah shower the Muslim ummah with blessings. Special thanks to Dr Mohamed for his role in this trip and Asalaam to all brothers and sisters in the group. May we live to witness more hajj in the future. My special thanks to Esseuf for his brotherhood. Ameen.

Yousuf AlkhaddarHajj 2018

Salaamu Alaykum… Jazak Allahu khair for everything you have done for us Dr Mohamed we won’t forget it was an experience of a lifetime that I will never forget. You made everything as smooth as you possibly could and organised everything expertly and also Jazak Allahu khair to all the group leaders and volunteers involved may Allah (swt) reward you all and accept from you. May Allah accept all our Hajj and good deeds and continue to keep us on the straight path InshaAllah. Thanks again Dr Mohamed and the team, I hope we can all keep in touch Insha Allah in the future.

Moustafa Mohamed El-KhatiebHajj 2018

I join all of you that it was a very smooth and well-organized journey… Dr Mohamed did his very best as well as his blessed son and all the others including brother Saleh, Hisham and khalifa and others whom I do not know their names may Allah reward all of them and accept our Haj. Best of luck to all of you.


Riyadhul IslamHajj 2017

A truly blessed Hajj experience. May Allah reward you, your family, the group leaders and all those who supported the Hujjaj throughout this journey. May Allah accept our Hajj!

محمد ساسيHajj 2017

الأخ العزيز الدكتور الحاج محمد: اسأل الله العليم ان يجزيك كل خير ويحفظك من كل سوء على جعل رحلة الحج لهذا العام منسقة ومنظمة في كل مراحلها واشهد الله انك وفيت وكفيت بكل ماقلت سلفا قبل اداء فريضة الحج.  اسأل الله لك التوفيق والسداد في خدمة حجاج بيت الله والتي لاتعادل بمال الدنيا. كما ان الشكر موصول  لكل group leader الحاج صالح وعبدالله وإبراهيم واسال الله مانسمعش اخبار طيبة اليوم بالعثور عاجلا  على جواز سفر الأخ عبدالله والرجوع الى اهله سالم غانما

Olamayowa OlabisiHajj 2017

AlihamduliLlah, me and my wife arrived Newcastle safely and we’re now in our house in a joyous mood with our children, first time ever that we parted with them for such period. Without doubt, Dr Mohammed is a wonderful man, blessed with wonderful family! May Allah continue to bless you more and may He put lots of baraka in your business. On behalf of me and my wife, we hereby express our ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION on your wonderful services, which was no doubt about the cheapest in the country, despite the excellent service. Haj Ibrahim may Allah bless you and make you the coolness of your parents’ eyes. To my dear hujaaj, may Allah make it hajj mabrur for us all, and may He make us witness many more in life. Was really great meeting you all, and we’re proud to be part of ALKHALIL HUJAAJ.

Dr Syed RaziHajj 2017

Assalam au Alaikum… I would like to thank Alkhalil Hajj Travel’s team for making our Hajj experience memorable and pleasant. Simply brilliantly. May Allah reward you Dr Benotman for all your efforts, JazakAllah khairan.

Dr Tareq Shahji & Dr Abeda RaiyanHajj 2017

I would like to express my gratitude and thankfulness to you Dr Benotman and your team who helped us to perform Hajj in a safe and secure environment. May Allah give you the reward and accept our Hajj as Hajj Mabrur. I personally is more than happy to recommend my friends and family to take the service for Hajj with you in the future. I wish you all the best.

خليفة القذافيHajj 2017

السلام عليكم اخي محمد بن عثمان. بارك الله فيك ونسال الله ان يدم عليك الصحة والعافية والثبات علي الدين. يعلم الله انك ماقصرت وسامحنا ان بدر شي منا من غير قصد. اوصيك ان تستمر في هذا العمل لأنك اثبت بأخلاقك وإخلاصك انك اهل المسؤولية. والله الموفق.

Dr Masoud KhamallagHajj 2017

Baraka Allah feek Dr Muhammed and your team.  May Allah accept from all of us and helps us to stick with His straight path for the rest of our life. Many thanks to all of the group.

Ahmed Abu ZaidHajj 2017

It’s been a great experience alhamdullah. May Allah bless you all and accept our hajj as Mabroor insh Allah. Jazakum Allah khairun for everything and hope we meet many other times in this life and in Ferdous inshallah.

Haji Emdadul IslamHajj 2017

A big thank you to Dr Mohamed, Mrs Benotman and Ibrahim. Also to Sheikh Saleh and Dr Abdullahah. I am very grateful to Allah that we were able to perform our Hajj through Alkhalil. Dr Mohamed, your patience, strength and unlimited support made it a memorable trip for all of us and allowed us to focus on our main purpose of performing Hajj Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless Dr Mohamed, his family and to all those that helped during our journey, for all their hard work and the sacrifices they made for us. It was an amazing journey and was wonderful meeting all of you. May Allah accept our Hajj and reunite us all in the Hereafter amongst the righteous.

Dr Imran BashirHajj 2017

Alhamdulillah reached safely this afternoon. A very huge thanks to Brother Benotman and Ibrahim to organise it so well. You made our trip easy and enjoyable with continuous guidance. You truly made us feel comfortable. Big thanks to all group leaders and all the members of group who acted like real brothers. I really enjoyed company of you all. May Allah SBT make us companions in Jannah.

Ateeq SalikHajj 2017

Salam Brother Mohamed, There is no need to apologise, this year’s hajj trip was made very very easy, firstly by the grace of Allah and then by your efforts. We enjoyed the experience and will definitely be recommending you to others. May Allah accept from us all inshallah.

فيصل مخبيHajj 2017

بِسْم الله الرحمان الرحيم… الحمد لله حمدا كثيرا يليق بجلال وجهه و عظيم سلطانه و الصلاة و السلام على سيدنا و حبيبنا محمد و اله و صحبه اجمعين و اما بعد… أنا أشكرك جزيل الشكر دكتور محمد على كل الخدمات التي قدمتها و طاقمك لنا في هذه الرحلة الإيمانية التي نسال الله عزوجل ان يتقبلها منا و يجعله حجا مبرورا و ذنبا مغفورا و سعيا مشكورا و اذا كان هناك بعض التقصير كما قلت يا اخ محمد فاني لم أشهده قط و لهذا كما قلت في البداية لقد قمتم بواجبكم على اكمل وجه و جزاكم الله خيرا… تقبل مني فاءق الاحترام و التقدير

Sheikh Waseem AzamHajj 2017

On behalf of my wife and I, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Dr Mohammed and his wonderful family for making this an absolutely memorable journey. This experience will last a lifetime iA. A special thank you goes to Haji Saleh and Sheikh Abdullah for their endless contribution. May Allah reward each and every one of you. To my fellow brothers, it was lovely to have met you all. May you all stay blessed and may we continue to strive to do what makes Allah swt and His Beloved pbuh happy iA. Take care of yourselves and may our paths cross again iA.

Gohar RahmanHajj 2017

Aslamuelikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu. May Allah Subhana-hu-wa-tawala reward Dr Mohammad and his family and all those who made it possible to perform our hajj, abundantly in this world and the hereafter. Ameen.

Dr Abdul Karim Omar ShebaniHajj 2017

May God accept from all the good deeds once again thank you Dr Mohamed and all Alkhalil’s team. May Allah swt reward Alkhalil for all they did for the group.

Abdul Al-Rawi & Hala SalamHajj 2017

Salamu Alaikum all. Alhamdulilah we have made it back home and we would like to express our gratitude to Dr Benotman, khala Um Ibrahim and Ibrahim. My husband and I have thoroughly enjoyed this hajj experience and may Allah reward you all for your efforts. جزاكم الله كل خير

عبد المجيد محمدHajj 2017

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته … يااخي محمد جزاك الله خيرا على جهودكم انتم والأهل والاخوه فلقد كنتم نعمه الاخوه التى تمثل الامه الاسلاميه وليس بلد ننتمي له وتعملون بصمت. ونشكركم انا وعائلة لما حرصتم معنا لجهودكم الطيبه وندعوا لكم

الدكتور المهندس قصي سالم الجبوريHajj 2017

جزاك الله كل خير … وبارك الله فيكم لما قدمتموه من جهود خلال رحلتنا المباركة الطويلة … وكلنا يعلم ان اي رحلة يتخللها بعض الامور التي قد تنعكس سلبا على مسيرة الرحلة. ولكن انا شخصيا اقدم شكري وتقديري لكم لسعيكم جاهدين في معالجة كل الصعوبات التي واجهتنا خلال الرحلة المباركة. واتمنى ان يرزقني الله العودة لحج بتيه المبارك من خلال شركتكم.


Dear brother, I would like to extend my thanks to you for all that you and the group supervising with you during the pilgrimage that we hope God to accept from us all Anshalh and make all the facilities you have in the balance of your benefits and God reward you A good thing

Peace be upon you and the mercy of God … Brother Mohamed Osman God bless you for the effort you made for the purpose of facilitating the journey of Hajj for this year and as stated in the correct Hadith “God does not thank those who do not thank people” and the interpretation of this Hadith that God Almighty does not accept the thanks of the slave to his charity to him if The servant did not thank the charity of the people and disbelieve their knowledge. And thanked the people for their charity to be commended for them, and by the good word and to claim them. Al-Tirmidhi and al-Nasaa’i and Ibn Hibbaan narrated that Osama bin Zayd said: Whoever made a well-known person said to him, “May Allaah reward you with good. And as you said, peace be upon him: Who made you known and rewarded, if you do not find what you reward him and pray to him until you see that you have been rewarded. Narrated by Ahmad and the Governor and others on the son of Omar, may Allah be pleased with them, and said Arnaout Isnadh true. May God reward us good and God made your Hajj justified and your favor and your sins forgiven and accept God from all other acts of worship and ask God to help us and you to the pilgrimage of his home in the coming years.

Dear Brother Mohammad and Sister um Ibrahim Assalamu alaikum … We just wanted to thank you for helping us to perform this great faridha of hajj. Thank you for all the facilities and guidance, you provided us in this journey. We also appreciate your tolerance and the helping and kindness of Umm Ibrahim as well. We did all our faridha with both of your help. I have and will recommend Alkhalil Haj for every family. Jazak Allah khair for this. Thank you and May Allah accept our haj.

My brother Dr. Mohammed bin Othman, I hope that this e-mail and you and the family will receive good, health and wellness. Thank you very much for all my services, we ask God Almighty to be in the balance of your good deeds.

To your brother Dr. Mohamed Othman, may God reward you with success, acceptance, reward and reward in every step and movement and work his step in this trip and pay your sins and witness God that you are patient and forgiving patient and all wages and ask you to forgive me if you sin in your right and peace and God ‘s mercy and blessings

Peace and mercy of God be upon you … As soon as we ask the Almighty God to accept from us and from you and the rituals and rituals and make him a pilgrimage to justified and seeking honorable and forgiven forgiveness does not reward him but paradise. Secondly, he used to listen to the Libyan proverb known as ‘Asbar Hijj.’ At Hajj, I realized the meaning of the saying. I was a patient person in the sense of the word. May God reward you with good. Thirdly, the whole trip was more than very good, and you gave us what you could do with all your patience, with all the arrogance, except what was beyond your control. We ask God to bless you in your footsteps and your endeavors, and to accept from us and from you.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh I wish to express here my appreciation appreciation and gratitude to you for making this 2011 Hajj possible for me. The compassionate package you approved made the 2011 pilgrimage exercises possible for me. May Allah reward you abundantly for your help because you did your best to make us all comfortable in Saudi Arabia I have attached some photos we took together and if you know anyone in the photo you can send it to them if you have time. Please know that anytime you flash my mind, I would always make DUAS for you and your family. May Allah accept us and accept our prayers

Peace be upon you and God ‘s mercy and blessings Yahaj Muhammad … Every year you and your family have a good day of Eid al – Adha and we ask God to be our pilgrimage justified and our guilt forgiven all, God willing. You are the brother and the friend in this great journey and bless you and you first and ask you to allow any slip or comment and acknowledge before you and behind you that you have changed your best to facilitate our journey and our safety since the start of the journey and even back and myself I was very pleased and satisfied on this blessed trip because I and thank God and his favor Ali had completed the fifth pillar of Islam at a time when I felt he was still in front of the time and the great effort to perform. We ask God Almighty to bless you in your work and give you health and wellness and pay off your line to facilitate the pilgrimage to other people and God brings us on another pilgrimage, blessing and in Paradise with martyrs and friends and good companions. Trustworthy

Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of God … Brothers Hebron Company, in the beginning we thank God Almighty that we have the right to perform the Hajj and returned to our homes safe and ask Him Almighty to accept us and write us a pilgrimage to justify. Secondly, thank God Almighty Follow me to perform This is the duty with the Hebron Company, which we ask Almighty God to help and reward and make all the best of us in the balance of the merits of the owner. In the end I say that all the words of thanks are not enough for this effort and especially with me and so leave only God Almighty reward you God bless you We ask God to help me once again to perform Hajj with you … and peace To complement and God’s mercy upon you

Assalam alaikom … Jazak Allah kheer and may Allah reward you for your great efforts. I am really pleased that I have join your group for hajj. With this kind of gathering, something will happen which is out of control. But your responses were appreciated. Also, you can not be blamed. You mentioned one thing at the beginning of hajj which I think was very important. People should not be selfish and work as one group. If I am planning to go again, I will not hesitate to go again with you. Forgive me if I have done anything which upsets you. May Allah reward you for your all what you have done for us to make our hajj easy. I hope you will stay in touch with me. Also many thanks for your wife from my wife.

Peace be upon you and God ‘s mercy and blessings … Brother Mohamed Osman Al – Hamdallah On your safety, I hope you are in good health. After all, I can not tell you that God rewarded you with the reward of reward. And God is truly a wonderful and successful journey, thanks to God and the great God, and the way to perform this duty.

Peace be upon you, God’s mercy and blessings … I would like to thank you for this successful organization of the trip, and pray to God that this work be in the balance of your good deeds,

Peace, mercy and blessings of God … I would like to thank you for this successful organization of the trip, and pray to God that this work be in the balance of your good deeds.

The name of God, the Merciful, the Merciful … My brother Muhammad, may God bless you, for the efforts you have made to provide the best service to the pilgrims in your group after the distance from the Haram, perhaps the reason we lost some prayer times in the mosque (I ask God to help you get a place Closer if it is possible, despite the difficulty to get a wonderful person to deal with him like the owner of the housing) God bless it, I wish you success and peace and mercy of God be upon you.

In the name of God the Merciful Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. Dear brother, Thank you for your efforts and God bless you and you really, thank God I went several years ago from Libya to the pilgrimage and when I compare this year I find the difference in the organization and services, thank God I say that the housing was To a certain extent far from the Haram Al-Makkawimkhalh not only in the car rental to and from housing, but the effort and time spent and you know that the time was short and precious God bless you and accept God Hajj of all, God willing.

I would like to thank you for your efforts in providing comfort to the pilgrims of the House of God, which we have touched through your constant desire to provide what is best and available and with all honesty from me and my wife. We have found that there are some services And we are grateful for your services, although there are some comments that may contribute to the development of your services, which will be listed in the email later … Thank you very much for what you have given us.

My brother Mohamed … Salam alaikum … Based on your request to respond to this email I say: I bear witness to God, I am more than satisfied, but happy and frankly unexpected originally this level of services. I do not think it would be better than it was. I personally did not notice any negligence on your part (I did not understand your intent when I mentioned that). If you mean some delay in the dates of transportation, this is outside the scope of your powers and I do not think it calls for any apology from you. But I know that you are doing your deeds as well as sharee’ah, and that is why I say to you: God bless you in all things. May God reward you with good and accept God. I would like you to let me know what may have been done to me by saying, doing or even thinking about you, especially in the situation that happened on the bus. I know that I am honored to know you and I am happy to accompany you to Hajj and I hope to stay in touch as brothers and friends.

In the name of God the Most Gracious the Most Merciful … Brother Dr. Mohammed bin Othman, the honorable … Thank God Almighty for the completion of Hajj and Umrah and pray and give blessings to our master Muhammad and his family and companions .. Thank God that pleased us Hajj and Umrah and witness that you did your best to facilitate the trip Praise be to Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted be He, and the one who spoke with him is witness to your diligence and dedication. After completing the rituals in Makkah to be an opportunity for those who see The hand of Umrah is a gift or a rest because it is not available for that … We ask God to accept from us and from you and bless your efforts.

Alsallam alikom dear brother Mohammed. I hope that you are doing alright. I am writing these few words to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you did for us, from getting the visa which was the main concern for many of us to the journey back to the UK. For me, performing hajj was a dream and alhamd Allah my dream came true. Thank you very much once again, and may Allah accept our and your hajj.

Dear brother Dr. Mohammed bin Othman … My brothers and sisters pilgrims of the House of God … and who were guests of the mercy of this year … Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of God After Praise be to God and peace and blessings be upon the prophets and messengers Our master and our beloved Muhammad and his family and companions The Day of Judgment … Thank God and thank him for his kindness to us by the grace of reconciliation to travel to the Holy Land and to tour the old house and complete all the rituals of Hajj and Umrah this year and thank God to reconcile us back to our country and our people safe safe and ask him Almighty accept our pilgrimage and make him a pilgrimage Justified … yet let I would like to express my thanks to all of the words of thanks and gratitude to the Hebron Agency for Hajj and Umrah, represented by the person of Dr. Muhammad bin Othman, may God protect him with his care and help God with his work, knowledge, soul and diligence all Muslims. Amen. Amen. Amen. And God’s mercy and blessings.

Brother Dr. Mohamed Othman … May God reward you for the good, I have facilitated this year a visit to his house is forbidden and has the praise to help me to that .. God said: God does not cost a soul but its power .. I have done Mabosk to facilitate this trip for those who chose to go With you and it is expected to get some mistakes that are indispensable during the travel .. We are from your descendants to go beyond any lapse you have run from us and God knows that you were Yes, the appointed brother during our travel. .. Peace be upon you.

Brother Mohamed Osman … Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, peace and blessings be upon the most honorable prophets and messengers, our master Muhammad and his family and companions. After the waves break, we do not know what wave we will ride, We gave you the hands to love before service, you have the hearts in your dealings and you have the hearts with your ethics. Your services have been complete, you have fed the spirit before the body, you have prepared the atmosphere for us to devote ourselves to obedience, you have given us what we benefit from, And the words of the preacher were parted by God by good, and by an inexhaustible sea. Your obedience has been a source of encouragement and dedication to work, thanks and appreciation. Finally, we have only to guide you and all those who have taken care of our happiness with a mixture of thanks and appreciation with love and gratitude and the most sincere invitations to reward you with the best reward.

Dr. Mohamed Osman … May God reward you for the best reward for your great effort during the Hajj. We ask God Almighty to bless you in your sustenance and your work, mercy of the merciful.

What we say and what we write can not express the tongue and the inability of the sons to write so many are the ones we meet them and they go … Few are the ones who monopolize sitting on the corner of the heart .. Goat .. Respect .. A friend .. And love, thank you very much Hamda blessed. The one who is on us and the one who came to us for our pilgrimage, and delivered us a pilgrimage, justified and seeking honorable, guilty and forgiving action, you and us .. ask him Almighty acceptance and steadfastness … Journey for trips .. I felt the pleasure and the following to his .. Pleased to perform rituals .. And facilities of God Anyone who has sought good and God, my brother Mohammed bin Othman, I can not thank you, I leave you to God, reward you for his bounty

Peace be upon you and the mercy of God May God bless you and God bless you for the spaciousness of your chest and on Mabtlh you and you with the brothers of the effort is not hidden to anyone and ask God to help you to God to serve visitors to the House of God and to help me to go next year is undoubtedly The journey of Hajj is as specific as I mentioned, and the reward is as much hardship. For me God will forgive you as long as the intention is good. All of us are human beings, and our ability must be perfect for Him alone. As for what you mentioned about the compensation, if the compensation is from the hotel or from the competent authorities, please inform me of this, but if it is on your side, I will forgive you, Dunya and the Hereafter. May God reward you with good. I ask God to gather us in his place of worship and forgive us our mistakes and shortcomings.

Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings. Brother Mohammed ,,, I can not find from the words what I say about my admiration and appreciation for your great efforts to serve the pilgrims of the House of God, and it is my pleasure to extend to you on behalf of myself and my family the highest thanks and appreciation, asking God Almighty to increase you From his bounty, and that all the odds will show you. As for the shortcomings, I bear witness to God that I am very satisfied with this level and these services with this huge number of people and wish you progress and success.

Peace and mercy of God be upon you. May God reward you with the best reward … Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you

Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings, God is still in the help of the slave What was the servant in the help of brother and those who do the whiteness of a good atom, God bless you good and God is best for you.

Assalamu Alykum Warahmatu Allah Dear Brother Mohammed, First, I would like to thank you very much for your efforts which led to a successful hajj trip, and I can not find any reason for your apology, you did your best and we all noticed that . For me, I am very satisfied and I feel that I got what I paid for. May Allah grant you the best reward. Best Regards.

Dear brother, Peace be upon you and God ‘s mercy and blessings … Praise be to Allah. Dear Mankind, Peace and blessings be upon you. God created our master Muhammad and his good and good house, but after that it is my pleasure to express to you my sincere thanks and appreciation for what You have made great efforts in the service of the pilgrims of this year’s House, which has been successful and I bear witness to God that you were the best companion and best guide for all pilgrims, and despite all the difficulties that are beyond the will of everyone but you have done much and much to overcome those Difficulties and vigilance on the rest of the pilgrims, may God Almighty Almighty bless you all works How much you can do in the balance of your good deeds. May Allah reward us with thousands of good, and we invite Almighty God to accept the pilgrimage of all and the good of deeds, and to make them as His own, as we ask Him to bless you and grant you health and wellness.

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