Your Hajj for Us Is More of a Religious Duty than Business

Alkhalil Hajj Travels is proud to be one of the cheapest and high quality tour companies located in the United Kingdom. We have a slogan that can perfectly explain our services to the guests of the holy places:
“Your Hajj to us is more of a religious duty than business”
The services we provide are for the good and comfort of all the guests of this holy obligation, we believe we have all the means of making this fortunate trip one that is remembered for a lifetime.



Alkhalil Hajj Travels is approved by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah in KSA. We are also licensed by Air Travel Organiser’s Licence (ATOL).

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The applicant must obtain a valid Passport, 2 photos, proof of vaccination for meningitis (ACYW135) and proof of legal residence status in the UK.

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The responsibilities and liabilities of Alkhalil Hajj Travels as the tour operator are limited. Alkhalil Hajj Travels acts only as an agent…

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What we bring to you

Hajj Tour Experts

We are a skilled and experienced Hajj tour experts dedicated to ensuring and bring an unsurpassed experience to our clients.

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Guests of Allah

We deliver what have been promised and take serving the guests of Allah as an honour during the trip till your arrival back home.

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Hajj and Umrah Tour Packages

At Alkhalil, you will find guaranteed best prices for your Hajj and Umrah tour packages without any cut in the quality of service.

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Hajj Seminars

Our Pre-Hajj meeting and Hajj seminars in Makkah and Madinah will be guided by knowledgeable and well reputed scholars.

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Direct Flights

We provide you with direct flights from Manchester and London to ensure your trip is comfortable.

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Comfort Transportation

We ensure you the comfort transportation during your hajj trips especially between Makkah and Madinah.

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    What our clients say?

    He who does not thank people does not thank Allah. Praise be to Allah, and Many Thanks to our brother Mohamed Benotman, his family and his team for all their efforts, we truly appreciate and are grateful and may Allah reward them for helping us complete our Hajj. Jazakum Allah Khayr.

    Faisal Hassan
    Hajj 2019

    هنا أقف لاقول كلمة صدق في صديقنا د. محمد بن عثمان علي ما قدمه لنا من خدمات في سبيل راحتنا وتوافق بين المجموعة...فكنتُ أراقبه بدقة فائقة... فوجدت فيه طيبة القلب والصدق في وعوده... والصبر... ومستمع جيد لآرائنا ... وتفاهم لظروف المجموعة... والاحترام ...عاش بيننا لحظة بلحظة... ومراقبة خداماته بنفسه... دقة في النظام...وقد عمل علي توافق المجموعة... وزرع المحبة والاحترام بيننا... مما جعلنا نفتخر بالعلاقة الطيبة التي جمعتنا يوم عرفة كاوحدة واحدة أمام رب واحد لاشريك له...هنيئاً لنا جميعاً بهذا الحج المبرور...

    عبدالناصر العائب
    Hajj 2019

    For me and my wife, it was an amazing journey to come to the Hajj with this group. And I am sending my sincere thanks to Dr Mohamed and his dedicated team; the brothers who gave all their best to make this journey as easy as possible for us. I also implore with everyone to forgive and forget any shortcoming, any mistake, or any annoyance befallen on them during our period together.

    Abdikarim D Hassan
    Hajj 2019

    الحمد لله على سلامة الجميع وتقبل الله منا ومنكم وجزاكم الله خيرا عنا جميعا ونرجو من الله العلي القدير ان يجمعنا واياكم في الفرردوس الاعلى يارب امين ... الحمد لله كانت مجموعة في غاية الروعة والتضامن والتعاون وكانت خطة ناجحة من طرف الدكتور وجميع من كان يساعده وقد اعجبنا لحظات رمي الجمرات سبحان الله كانت دراسة محكمة للدخول في الزحام ورمي الجمرات بكل سهولة ونرجوا من الله ان يتقبل منا وان يتجاوز عنا ان اخطأنا ونسينا ...... حج مبرو وسعي مشكور وذنب مغفور لجميع الحجاج ... وجزاكم الله خيرا للجميع والدكتور واسرته

    سيدة صالح أم عماد
    Hajj 2018

    Assalamualik to all respected brothers may Allah swt accept our hajj, duas etc. And may Allah swt forgive all of us for any type of negligence. I would like to say jazak Allah khair to Dear brother Dr Mohamed and his beautiful team members, very caring very helpful and supportive. May Allah swt keep them save and give them reward in this world and hereafter, Ameen. Once again love and respect for all of you from the bottom of my heart.

    Mohamed Ali Raza
    Hajj 2018

    Assalamalaikum… One could never really explain a Hajj experience unless they have taken the journey themselves and had the beautiful experience... yes, AlKhalil group is amazing... and on our way home our taxi driver took AlKhalil contact details for his Hajj insha Allah.

    Roshan Ahmed
    Hajj 2018

    Just taking this opportunity to show my appreciation and gratitude to brother Dr Mohammed, brother Saleh, brother Hisham, brother Kahlifa , Brother Ibrahim and all other team members and volunteers. I will inshaa Allah highly recommend Alkhalil to all my family members, friends and colleagues who want to perform Hajj or Umrah in the future. Thanks again for your patience with us and for trying your best to overcome all obstacles and make our hajj as comfortable and pleasant. Jazak Allah Khairan.

    Dr Ziad Al-Khaddar
    Hajj 2018

    Thank you, Dr Mohamed, son Ibrahim and um Ibrahim for a wonderful journey and for making everything possible. This was a once in a lifetime experience and I'm so grateful to have been part of it. Once again thank you for your help and support throughout it all.

    Nazrian Bibi
    Hajj 2018

    Alhamdulillah reached safely this afternoon. A very huge thanks to Brother Benotman and Ibrahim to organise it so well. You made our trip easy and enjoyable with continuous guidance. You truly made us feel comfortable. Big thanks to all group leaders and all the members of group who acted like real brothers. I really enjoyed company of you all. May Allah SBT make us companions in Jannah.

    Dr Imran Bashir
    Hajj 2017

    On behalf of my wife and I, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Dr Mohammed and his wonderful family for making this an absolutely memorable journey. This experience will last a lifetime iA. A special thank you goes to Haji Saleh and Sheikh Abdullah for their endless contribution. May Allah reward each and every one of you. To my fellow brothers, it was lovely to have met you all. May you all stay blessed. Take care of yourselves.

    Sheikh Waseem Azam
    Hajj 2017

    A big thank you to Dr Mohamed, Mrs Benotman and Ibrahim. Also to Sheikh Saleh and Dr Abdullahah. I am very grateful to Allah that we were able to perform our Hajj through Alkhalil. Dr Mohamed, your patience, strength and unlimited support made it a memorable trip for all of us and allowed us to focus on our main purpose of performing Hajj Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless Dr Mohamed, his family and to all those that helped during our journey, for all their hard work and the sacrifices they made for us. It was an amazing journey and was wonderful meeting all of you.

    Haji Emdadul Islam
    Hajj 2017

    Salam all. May I take this opportunity to firstly thank Allah SWT for facilitating this Hajj for me, my wife and two daughters. Secondly, I would like to thank Dr Benotman and Alkhalil team for going out of their way to make things easier for the hajj team. Thirdly I would like to thank all the brothers and sisters for the good company we had during this mission which will leave very good memories. I hope that we shall maintain contact via my mobile number.

    Ghassan Nounou
    Hajj 2016

    بِسْم الله الرحمان الرحيم... الحمد لله حمدا كثيرا يليق بجلال وجهه و عظيم سلطانه و الصلاة و السلام على سيدنا و حبيبنا محمد و اله و صحبه اجمعين و اما بعد... أنا أشكرك جزيل الشكر دكتور محمد على كل الخدمات التي قدمتها و طاقمك لنا في هذه الرحلة الإيمانية التي نسال الله عزوجل ان يتقبلها منا و يجعله حجا مبرورا و ذنبا مغفورا و سعيا مشكورا و اذا كان هناك بعض التقصير كما قلت يا اخ محمد فاني لم أشهده قط و لهذا كما قلت في البداية لقد قمتم بواجبكم على اكمل وجه و جزاكم الله خيرا... تقبل مني فاءق الاحترام و التقدير

    فيصل مخبي
    Hajj 2017

    We are bonded with ATOL, IATA and licensed with the Ministry of Hajj in Saudi Arabia and a verified member with LHO (Licensed Hajj Organisers).

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      The air holiday packages (Hajj or Umrah Packages) shown is ATOL protected by the Civil Aviation Authority. Alkhalil Hajj Travels Ltd is ATOL holder, ATOL number (10925). ATOL Protection: “All the flight-inclusive holidays (Hajj or Umrah Packages) in this website are financially protected by the ATOL scheme. When you pay you will be supplied with an ATOL Certificate. Please ask for it and check to ensure that everything you booked (flights, hotels and other services) is listed on it. Please see our booking conditions for further information or for more information about financial protection and the ATOL Certificate go to:

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